Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Started over

What's up blog. So my teammates and I were finally able to meet up to discuss our and we decided to start from the scratch. We had discussed some of the issues that we concerned to have doing the original documentary ideas and were struggling to find solutions and that’s what I mentioned a short film Idea I had after watching an Instagram reel. 

The problem is it wasn’t a fully developed idea yet I only had the title of it of what the short film would be: The Writing on the Bathroom Wall. However, my teammates loved it so  we decided to start our whole project over and create a short film package. I think this choice will be better for us in the long run because despite our enjoyment creating our last documentary, I think we’re all a little burnt out from the one we already made (especially since personally I’ve gone back and re-edited that documentary to submit a different festival like the Palm Beach Student Showcase of Films and All American High School Film Festival) so really what we needed was for a brand new project to engage us throughout the rest of 7 weeks left (also before senioritis hits too hard) In the meantime, we’re gonna start doing research based on the different character types we’re planning to have as well as the genre of the short film, which is going to be romance and drama.

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Social Media

What's up blog. So as a part of our short film package, we need to create a social media page. The good part is my team knows we want to...