Sunday, March 17, 2024


It’s the end of the quarter and everything is falling apart except for my things that are media related. My competition went really well, my team is now nationally awarded, and I think Faye and I are on schedule for our film opening. However, if we don’t finish filming what we have left to finish this week, there’s potential that we fall behind; so I am nervous.

For filming, we used a Cannon DSLR T-8i, which I borrowed from my school’s TV program. However, we are not allowed to use those cameras over spring break because they have to stay in school. I received a message from Faye asking if we could use the cameras for more days because she has doubts that we are going to be able to finish filming in the time we planned. 

There’s another place we can check out cameras from called BECON TV but from what I’ve heard, a lot of their equipment have already been reserved for the break and it it might be too late to ask Jim Guarasci, the manager of the Short Cuts program , for equipment to check out. I also do not want to risk asking and looking unprofessional in front of him as he is someone I hold a lot of respect for, and hope to impress one day.

I’m hoping things turn out okay and we finish filming this week with the Canon DSLR as planned, but the backup plan is that we can finish filming with my own old personal camera, which isn’t as high quality but it will get the job done. Still nervous though.

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F1 Brainrot actually useful

 What's up blog. One of my main struggles right now is how we are going to clarify our documentary approach as an episodic one. Luckily,...